At SEE University, there is an increasing need for fast and efficient communication with enrolled students. Students tend to communicate extensively through electronic mail. Each student is issued a University mail account for use throughout the time the student is registered аt the University. Accordingly, email is an available mechanism for formal communication by the University with students.
Email shall be considered an appropriate mechanism for official communication by SEE University with SEEU students unless otherwise prohibited by law. The University reserves the right to send official communications to students by email with the full expectation that students will receive email and read these emails in a timely fashion.
Students, who choose to have their email forwarded to a private/unofficial email address outside the official university address, do so at their own risk. The University is not responsible for any difficulties that may occur in the proper or timely transmission or access of email forwarded to any unofficial email address, and any such problems will not absolve students of their responsibility to know and comply with the content of official communications sent to students’ official SEEU email addresses.
In addition, due to privacy laws, many faculties, departments, university offices will not communicate via an email address other than the official SEEU address.
Note: SEEU network account and email account are completely different accounts. While email account is used for accessing official university mails, the network account is used for accessing MySEEU, Libri and Library platforms.
Assignment of Student Email
Official university email accounts are available for all enrolled students. Official university communications will be sent to students’ official university email addresses. For SEEU, this is the address.
Students are expected to check their email on a frequent and consistent basis in order to stay current with university-related communications. Students must insure that there is sufficient space in their accounts to allow for email to be delivered. Students have the responsibility to recognize that certain communications may be time-critical. Students will not be held responsible for any system malfunctions (e.g., power outages).
Note: Your email password has no expiration period, but for security reasons it is recommended to be changed at least in every 180 days. As mentioned before, your official email account is important because using webmail you have the opportunity to change your network account password if it has expired.
Available To
Students, Staff
This service is provided without charge.
More InformationContact the IT Department by phone at 096 or via email at