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Focusing on departmental services and the identified needs of clients as well as to ensure the sustainability of the service, set expectations with clients (students and staff) and demonstrate commitment to maintaining and improving the quality of service, the IT department has developed an electronic system (Helpdesk) for reporting and identifying   problems. With this system, the client has full information on the progress of the problem solving process at all times. This provides a standardized service that can be measured with the aim of continuous improvement with evidence of success.
When you have any problem with the use of the IT infrastructure at the university such as access to the computer network, desktop computer, laptop, printer or email, you can contact us to report the problem using the electronic system Helpdesk or calling the following phone number: 300.
The electronic system can be accessed on the web address:
Once you are logged in to the system, on the left side, there is a link ‘Helpdesk’ with sub links: New Request and My Requests. Here, you can report or see the status of the reported problem.
Area of function 
Communication (covers all services provided by the IT Department)
Students, full-time and part-time employees, visiting staff, guest users and exchange students.
Responsible members of  staff to carry out standards
IT Support Leader, Network Administrator, System Administrator, Software Development Officers and work & study students.
Service Standard
Communication (covers all services provided by the IT Department).
In the field of communication, the department uses the general Communication Standard of the University in all parts except those specifically for the IT Department as follows:
We will:
  • confirm via email, within 30 minutes, that we have received the request in 95% of cases;
  • provide sufficient information for the  reported problem in all cases;
  • send email or call you on the telephone to inform you that someone (name and   surname) is dealing with your problem and how much time is needed;
  • visit you within 45 minutes in 85% of cases if the solution of the problem   requires this or inform you when someone can come;
  • inform you immediately if we conclude that we will need more time than the       time provided to solve the problem;
  • solve the problem concerned at the foreseen time  in 90% of cases;
  • try to find alternative solutions for cases when the problem cannot be solved in a reasonable time;
  • inform you by email immediately after the problem is resolved.