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​​​​​​Network Account

SEEU network accounts and initial passwords are pre-created for all SEEU faculty, staff, and students once their information has cleared either Human Resources (staff) or the Admissions Office (for students).

The network account is the core of computing access at SEEU. It gives managed and secure access to the campus network and computing resources. All students are given a network account when they are enrolled. 
​​The SEEU network account consists of an SEEU username and password. You must use your SEEU username and password to log in to any computer attached to the University's network, including all academic lab computers. 
​Access to most University computing systems & services, including MySEEU (, Libri ( and Library ( is controlled through your network account as well.
Available To
Students, Staff
This Service is provided without charge.
More Information
Contact the IT Department by phone at 096 or via email at