WiFi Network
SEE University allows students, staff and visitors have access to the WiFi network infrastructure and using the same technology to access to the Intranet services, Internet and
Eduroam network. This network is widely available across campus including Skopje branch campus. SEE University provides four separate WiFi networks which can be used depending on the level of the security and your engagement with the University:
- ‘seeu’ secure WiFi network - SEEU (seeu) is the secure WiFi network for students and staff in both campuses. This network provides a WPA2 Enterprise 802.1x EAP-PEAP authentication. To gain access to this network first your computer needs to be configured. All the technical information and guides for configuring the computer are public on the unsecure seeuWiFiInfo network.
- ‘seeuWiFiInfo’ opened WiFi network - seeuWiFIInfo is an opened WiFi network and its providing basic services such as tools, configuration wizards and other services. Connecting to this networks redirects your browser to a portal depending on your configuration state.
- WiFi for visitors - оfficial visitors can get temporary access to the WiFi network through dedicated access accounts. For those accounts each department is required to do a request at HR Office and get back all the needed information by mail at department assistant. For any additional configuration and technical help visitors can use seeuWiFiInfo WiFi network, contact IT Support or visit IT Department. Visitors, member of the Eduroam education community can use the eduroam WiFi network on both of the campuses. For more about SEEU Eduroam Click Here. Technical and configuration information also can be found at seeuWiFiInfo WiFi network. Unofficial visitors and guests can use the dedicated Guests WiFi network or use any ISP sponsor free of charge available on campus. Guests has very limited access.
- BYOD devices - SEE University WiFi network supports any device which has built in 801.2 WPA2 Enterprise support and connect to ‘seeu’ WiFi network. To gain access using BYOD you must register you device mac address by using your account at https://my.seeu.edu.mk. After the approval, the dedicated account information for the device are provided in your personalized my.seeu.edu.mk page. Any information related to the configuration can be obtained in seeuWiFiInfo WiFi network or by contacting IT Support.
Available To
Students, Staff, Guests
This Service is provided without charge.
More InformationContact the IT Department by phone at 096 or via email at
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